A few weeks ago Stewart and I went and cut our own Christmas tree. This is the first time I have ever done this, and I will admit I wasn't to excited about it at first.
Cutting down a tree has been an argument in our house for the past few Christmases. I never wanted to do this because I was afraid we would cut down some poor animals house, or we would bring home a whole bunch of bugs into our house. Stewart has bugged me to do this and I finally gave in this year. We did have fun together and it was nice to get out in the fresh air. I think our tree is really cute. We did get one that was a little to tall, 13 feet high, and we had to cut 3 feet off. I was pretty excited to get one that had pine cones on it, it looks really cool with the lights and pine cones.
I did have fun, but I am not convinced yet to do this every year.
Penny REALLY likes our tree. She sleeps under the tree all the time!!!
11 years ago